It is not a low number. In Michigan, it is about 25%. ,1 of every 4. I'd say thats pretty substantial.
I did not say keep your children away from all white men. The phrase "as much as possible" obviously didn't register with you. I carefully listed high risk occupations and also said most sex offenses are committed by family members. Hey, don't feel bad, I often get quoted out of context. Seems to be the name of the game nowadays.
Use your common sense. If you have a solid marriage and your children don't display the symptoms of sexual abuse (easily googled) there is nothing to worry about. But letting your kid go on overnights with Uncle Bob is not a good idea. Letting your child go to a Boy Scout camp alone with a male scout leader is bad. Or alone to a church retreat. Make your child travel in groups of kids. Give them cell phones and tell them to call you immediately if they even feel uncomfortable with an adult. Tell them never to let anyone confiscate that phone no matter what.
Never, never leave your child under the care of clergy. Any kind of clergy. That's just asking for trouble, I don't care how damn much you trust your clergy.
For God's sake teach your child in blunt terms what to look out for. There's all kinds of info on how to do that on the Internet.
Always believe your child. Make the adults defend themselves. Screw innocent until proven guilty.
No self-respecting adult should want to be alone with somebody else's child. Never.
Look at the data yourself. It is all available on the Internet from reliable sources. I have learned that questioning someone's integrity is often a knee-jerk reaction intended to replace doing any work of your own.