My major takeaway from the Foucault volumes:
The human sex drive expresses itself in many different ways, and because the drive is so fluid every civilization seeks to control how the drive is expressed by defining a normal and proscribing an abnormal. These defintions and proscruptions vary widely from society to society even within the same civilization.
The problem with sexual prosciption, i.e., declaring a sexual activity as immoral and/or illegal is that the desire and its associated activity outlets do not go away. The only thing that happens is straightforwardness is eliminated and a cultural climate of deception is created.
Though police powers try to control the deception, the culture of deception only continues to grow and eventually nutures an economy that provides surreptitious relationships services that the society needs and supports even while that society persecutes that culture of deception.
I have yet to find a society that does not fall into this trap of prosciption, deception creation, and sexual economics that create self-reinforcing systems of proscription , deception, and sexual service demand characterized by much anger, humiliation, pain, and suffering.
Thanks for your interest.