The Peter Meter and Christian Nationalists
Save the Children
Christian Nationalist groups, such as Ottawa Impact (OI), a political movement that has taken control of Ottawa County[1] government, declare in campaign literature and public meetings that there is a “war on children” and they intend to defend children from sexual predators. They use the slogan, “Save the Children.”
Such groups have at their disposal an instrument that can fairly accurately[2] detect current and potential child sexual molesters/groomers. It is called the Penile Plethysmograph.
The Interview
In an interview with journalist Nick Marsh, when the Warden finished explaining the various aspects of a large prison-based sex offender treatment program in West Michigan, Warden Biggie Biggins got around to explaining the use of the device:
Marsh: Warden, is there any way you can verify what a prisoner claims to be his favorite type of sex crime victim. What I mean is there a way you can tell if a sex offender is lying about not being sexually attracted to children? I guess a corollary would be, can you determine who is a pedophile?
Warden Biggins: Yes, there is, but it’s controversial. Nick, I can’t dictate what you choose to print about this interview, and you’ve always treated me fair, but I need you to know what I’m about to tell you has its…