Where do I start?
The church has lost all moral authority but...but what? It didn't loose it, it trampled it to death.
You don't want the church to die you want it to change, just like old relatives. Well, old relatives do die and change is not an alternative to death.
You want the church to mentor the young. I have been religious much of my life, attending multiple churches in multiple denominations and was not once mentored by any church or anyone in a church. I was raised by my immediate family; I was not mentored until graduate school.
I live in a county where the government has been taken over by hateful, bigoted, Christians. It ain't pretty. The religious people I know are petty and superficial. I should not paint them all with the same brush? Then give me better subjects to paint.
And let me end with an observation: The holiest place on earth has and is suffering from unbelievable violence. Our own national government is frozen by bigoted Christians. Minorities are being crushed by Christians. And Trump is not "likely immoral," he is unbelievably immoral if not insane.
Exactly who or what institution has ever been able to walk away from that level of immorality?